Welcome To GARNER Arts Center’s Virtual Gallery


A Virtual Photography Exhibtion

Guest Juried by Pulitzer Prize-Winning Photojournalist, Bill Foley

Is resilience one’s ability to adapt to a changing world? What about us is ever-enduring? This exhibition seeks to share the resilience of the human spirit and the places we find inspiration, beauty and strength in the darkest times.

“A good half of the art of living is resilience.” Alain de Botton.

GARNER Arts Center is pleased to share this extraordinary exhibition resulting from an open call that reached across the country and around the world. Due to recent global uprisings, we extended our call to encourage photo submissions related to protest and social justice, which can be seen as part of this exhibition. We recognize the theme of RESILIENCE as part of this important moment in our history. We greatly appreciate your visit.

Click below to enlarge the selected images and see photo titles where applicable.

Artists’ websites or bios. are linked to their names.


For Questions/Info: info@garnerartscenter.org

Or refer to the Q & A Section:

Q: How does this work?

A: This is a virtual gallery with a photo exhibition on display. Click on any image to enlarge.

Q: Interested in learning more about the artwork?

A: Once enlarged, hover over over each picture for titles and other info. Smartphone users can access additional info by clicking the small dot in the bottom right corner.

Q: How do I learn more about the artists?

A: Each artist’s name contains a link to their professional website, where applicable. Click the artists’ names to learn more.