Be sure to visit the open studios of the GARNER Historic District’s eclectic and talented artists and artisans!
Mouise Nezer
Building #1F 1st Floor
Scrap Metal Art
Image: Beauty and the Beast, Mouise Nezer
RJ Originals
Building #2N/S 2nd Floor
Fine Woodworking
Rockland Grapplers
Building #3A 2nd Floor
MMA/ Martial Arts
Rucksack Cookbook
Building #5C 2nd Floor
Local Music, Crafts, Promotion
Chance to win a prize and play a unique poetry dice rolling game
JWC Production Studio
Building #5N/E 2nd Floor
Production Studio
Jim Winans
Building #9C South 2nd Floor
Photo: Frank Vitale
Julia Hickey González
Building #9C 2nd Floor
Visual Artist
Image: Leo Green
Smith Art/Father & Son Studio
Building #9G 2nd Floor
Acrylic Paintings/Portraits/Illustration
Quick Sketch Cartoon Caricatures of Visitors
Photo by Jherry Ramirez
Strawtown Studio
Creekside Sculpture Trail
Nature Art Education
Nature Art Workshops Available All Day, Both Days of Hudson Valley Maker Faire at Creekside Sculpture Trail*.
*Weather permitting. In the event of rain, workshops will take place in Building #10E 2nd floor.
Linda Eckstein
Building #10F 2nd Floor
Diane Churchill
Building #18 2nd Floor
Brett DePalma
Building #18 2nd Floor
by Judy DePalma
Building #18 2nd Floor
Unique Dresses for Little Girls
Joe Fusaro
Building #18 2nd Floor
Drawing, Painting, Mixed Media
Image: Knot, by Joe Fusaro
Don Steinmetz
Building #18 2nd Floor
Studio Six
Building #18 2nd Floor
Drawing, Painting, Graphic Design
Marc Taylor
Building #18 2nd Floor
Paper Constructions and Mad Geometer
Workshops Available All Day, Both Days of Hudson Valley Maker Faire:
Make colorful geometric paper shapes, or a personality-packed paper character, to take home
The Creative Arts Corner of Hudson Valley
Building #24C-1 2nd Floor
Photography School & Studio
Both Days: On-going hands-on camera demonstrations ages 7 to adult
Impact Career Pathways
Building #24E 2nd Floor
Our organization provides work readiness training and entrepreneur mentorship. We will be selling herbal teas and wellness items.
Demonstrations with paper art and engraving demonstrations to create various craft items, keychains, cutting board and more.
Patience Morgan Design
Building #24H-2 2nd Floor
Metalsmith/Jewelry Design